As always I disappeared for some time...taking care of this business called life. God continues to bless and shine on my little family and I and I'm so grateful for his mercies which are new everyday!

It's a new year and I'm excited about what's in's countdown to my 40th birthday in June. I've been working on so many internal changes as I approach this milestone in my life. I'm learning so many lessons...paying attention to signs...and learning to be thankful for the valleys and the frustrations and irritations that are honing me to be the woman God created me to be.

Some lessons that I've learnt in the past few months...

When you let go of anger you shed away your old skin and that's when growth begins. Saying that you've let go of anger and actually LETTING GO of the anger are two completely different things. I've spent my adult life saying "I've let go" but really holding on to the hurts and the disappointments that I believed were my story. I realize now that as I've actually let things go...released the anger..released the resentment..released the pain..I'm so much lighter...I'm so much happier. I'm free.

It's ok to let people know what my boundaries are...this doesn't make me a "bitch" makes me grown. And it makes relationships more authentic.

Spiritual growth is an internal's not determined by your parent's relationship with God/The Most High/The's your own intimate and personal journey. It doesn't have to be explained to anyone. God knows your heart and that's who you have to deal with.

My son...little Plus is 16 months old and FULL OF LIFE. I'm seeing the simple things in life all over through his eyes...the little things like raindrops and grass that fascinate him and are beautiful are a reminder that God doesn't make mistakes...Plus was diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia at birth. He's been hospitalized four times since his birth, most recently in January. My husband and I know that Plus has a purpose so this medical diagnosis won't stop him...

I hope to continue putting my thoughts on paper..this is my release.

Till the next time


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