I think my teenagers are sloths...for real. According to Wikipedia..Sloths move only when necessary and even then very slowly..sleeping from 15 to 18 hours each day...Yep, I think these two teenage boys living in my home are sloths. I'm going to get them checked at their next physical.

I swear I have never met two more slow moving kids. One takes his time to get dressed; he's up over two hours before he has to leave for look at himself repeatedly..and yet he forgets his lunch and is literally running out of the door at the last minute each day. The other one gets up 30 minutes before he has to be on the bus and takes his time with every.single.thing....and then casually strolls downstairs in order to find something to eat at 7:59 when he has to be on the bus at 8 am.

I don't know how my mother did it..and I was her kid that gave her the teenage "tude"..the angst ridden frowns and brooding that would last for days. I think that God creates teenagers as a payback for the "sins of your youth" other words..the stuff you put your own parents through.

Of course I love my children. I love seeing them hearing them laugh...the sound of "Ma..or Mama" gets me each time...but I swear I'm learning patience, tolerance and how to pray when dealing with the absent mindness that accompanies adolescence...the ability to play a video game or watch tv for 12 hours straight...and then stare at you blankly when they're reminded of chores.

I'm calling my mother right now....I owe her the very least...

till the next time...

"doing what teenagers do..hang out"
  • Stop eating Little Debbie Zebra Cakes at 11 pm.
  • Stop eating a box of Little Debbie Zebra Cakes in less than 24 hours.
  • Stop eating Little Debbie Zebra Cakes for breakfast with my green smoothie..(that's rachet)
  • Stop using the word I don't really understand what it means.
  • Stop using the word moron so often.."tool" has a much better ring to it.
  • Stop having an attitude with my husband because of foolishness. Really. Just stop.
  • Stop allowing foolishness to get on my nerves. It's a job it's supposed to annoy me. They're kids they're supposed to irritate the brown from my skin.
  • Stop pestering my 16 y/o about how much cologne he wears. Yes, it's obnoxious..but he likes it.
  • Start walking. Not from the bed to the box of little debbie zebra cakes and back to the bed.
  • Start walking around a trail...or a track..or the neighborhood..or at least to publix to get little debbie zebra cakes.
  • Get Plus 1 out of our marital bed. Um..yea..nuff said.
  • Stop spending an obscene amount of time on pinterest pinning cheese recipes..if I'm trying to adopt a more vegan lifestyle.
  • Press "play" in the's the little button that lights up when you press it...Press play and start working out.
  • Start drinking more water with vodka cucumbers in it. It's really good.
  • Stop playing "My God is Awesome" and singing real loud.......and then
  • Rapping to ..."An Effing Problem" by A$AP Rocky...
  • Stop knowing who the above song is by and how to spell his name correctly...LOL
  • Stop eating little debbie zebra cakes at 11:53 pm at's outta control now...just stop...
till the next time
My son.
That 13 year old of mine with twinkling eyes and a million dollar get out jail free smile. That one...I'm so protective over him. I'm definitely the mama bear when it comes to my children but Yah especially; he and I were alone for a long while before I got remarried. He has always been my buddy and has had my heart. So when he told me today that the girl he has a crush on "rejected him" I felt the lioness in me stand up. "Who is this little girl anyway and what makes her so special that she's going to reject "my son." Who does she think she is? Really...!"...Yea, I had that whole my mind....But I said to my's ok...she doesn't really know you and how great you are..because if she did she'd like you too. have (And you're only 13 so you'll  experience plenty more crushes and rejections)...He seemed to take it well although I know his little feelings were hurt.

I have to remember that I can't protect him or any of my children from everything. I have to let them get hurt....but boy is it gonna be hard....

till the next time...
I often wonder what stamp I would have left on this earth when I'm gone. I don't mean to be morbid but I wonder what will I be remembered for; what influence would I have had on others....would I be missed...would I have mattered?

Life is probably the one thing most of us take for granted. We assume we'll live to see 100...or at the very least a close 80! We obnoxiously believe that we'll always have tomorrow to get something make that phone return that send that say, "I love you..".

But tomorrow isn't promised.

Like. at all. this the only time that is guaranteed. The next second much less the next day is not something we know for sure will be there.

I've always said to myself that when I leave here the most important thing to me was that my child..and now children..knew just how much they much I truly loved deeply they stayed inside my soul each and every day. Those days when I'm cranky with them I this the mom they'll remember? The days when I roll my eyes at the world's best husband I wonder..will he remember me having an attitude most days?

The point is to make the most of each day. We know's such a cliche..but it's so true. We must seize the moment. Spread love...discard of grudges and negative feelings...forgive..admit to your wrongs and make them right..assume the best in others...enjoy that cup of coffee...kiss those kids...tell them they are truly deeply loved...make sure your spouse knows they are appreciated and you are God daily....

till the next time...
When you come into your own embarrassment goes out of the window.
There is no room for embarrassment in personal self growth. In order to will have to experience growing pains...awkward phases...stretch marks. As with these seasons there is that period when the growing pains really just seem to be sources of shame or embarrassment. Think of the awkward child blossoming into adolescence...there's acne..voice changes..feet too big to fit the body. It's so embarrassing..right?

Wrong. These changes reflect the awesome metamorphosis that is taking place. They symbolize the beginning of something incredible. They are the symbol of moving from "what was" to "what is." They signify change. And..oh! change is so's so's so...nothing to be embarrassed about.

Moving into who I am...and really settling into my skin I realize that I don't have to explain why "at my age" I may not have the "this or that" that is supposed to be my stamp of approval in society. I realize that for so many of us who have the thought that something is wrong because "we don't have kids" this age...or "we don't own a house" this age...or God forbid..."not married" this age are not fully embracing the present. We are embarrassed about our current journey...when we are actually at our must beautiful. Because in this change we are ready for what is to come.

I embrace my "moments of embarrassment"...I embrace them with pride as they signify to me the new dawn coming...

till the next time..

I'm trying....but I've got to walk first. Finding time in my busy schedule as a wife and mother and full time employee makes it difficult to establish an exercise routine. One of my goals by my 40th birthday in June is to run a mile. I know that may seem quite insignificant but I'm so out of shape. My endurance is horrible since I've been very stagnant for the past few months. Sometimes I daydream about seems so liberating and it's something I'd love to do. During the week I've started going to the nearby park and walking the trail but this has been inconsistent. I have four months before I turn 40 and I'm certain that if I really put my mind to it I can build up the endurance to run a mile. It's a great goal to have and it forces me to work on my health.

I want to be fit and active to feel good about myself but also to be present for my children as they continue to grow older. When I feel my knees ache and I get out of breath just from climbing stairs I am reminded how unacceptable that is. My 16 month old is active! The only way I'll keep up with him is to get my butt in shape!

It'll happen. I believe it.

till the next time...

Drama and Foolishness.
Impatience.Irritation.Resentment and Unhappiness.
Ignorance and grudges.
Ungratefulness and complaints.
Seeing the glass is half empty..when it's clearly half full.

but what I do have time for.

Sunrises which reflect new beginnings..the ability to start over.
Sunsets which reflect the natural progression of things to end in order to make room for something new.
for the peace that passes all understanding.
for a love that is golden.
for my son's bright big eyes that make me look at myself cause he sees me.
for my son's growth and mistakes that's going to mold him into the man God called him to be.
for my son's eccentric nature that drives me mad but is teaching me about tolerance and unconditional love.
for the ability to see the blessings in the pain.
for the pain that allows me to continue to grow.
for the mistakes that are human and force me to either fall again or learn the lesson.
for parents that tried to show me...before i had to go through the pain.

i have time for all of that and then some.

till the next time...
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