Where have I been?
Right here!
I haven't gone anywhere but I have been missing in action. My inspiration...the spirit that leads to write has been MIA. But I know, everything in ME knows that I need to write. That I need to try this blogging thing again. Even if noone ever reads this it's therapy for my soul. It fills ME up. It is my worship. It is my meditation. It's time I renewed myself.

So here I go again.

I'm thinking of changing the name of this something else...the Gemini in me just can't think of what that is right now.

So until then. I write.
In two days I'll be 37....already. Where did the year go? What did I accomplish? What did I gain? What did I lose? What do I regret and what do I hope for.....
If you give it time. If you give yourself time. If you give life time. If you believe will happen. All things that you desire, pray for, long for, sleep and dream about WILL BE YOURS in time. Just how you may have imagined them happening may be different. The story may be different but the ending will be the same...getting what you wanted. Believe that with all of your heart. Feed your soul with that belief. Delight in seeing these things made manifest even before they are and PRACTICE having what you want. Dreams do come true...all in time.
I have been absent for a few months. I experienced the rocky rollercoaster of life and fell of for a moment. The holidays came and went without a peep from me. I was just existing.

But it's a new year. A fresh start. Happy Happy Belated New Year to everyone! Here's knowing that all of the pleasure and pain that this year will bring will be worth it.

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