Waffles for dinner.
Singing along to Jill Scott together.
Feeling +1 move around and marvel always at this life.
Sleep overs that include pillow fights and talks deep into the wee hours of the morning.
Silly jokes noone else gets.
Having your ace all the time.
Not wondering what he's thinking or if he'll call.
Feeling special.
Sometimes rolling eyes.
Talking about your children with pride and irritation...but knowing their yours.
Listening to the same stories over again with the same enthusiasm.
Favorite snacks to cheer you up.
Not being afraid to cry.
Being vulnerable.
Developing new interests.
Looking forward to each month that marks another anniversary.
My committment to my husband to continue to work on me and bring the best me to our relationship even when I don't feel like it.
woke up to balloons and special cards....
including one from plus one...extra special nap with the wonderful's visit with my sister to find out she's expecting...another girl! lunch with my sister, her husband, my niece and husband....unforgettable phone calls from so many loved ones....watching a movie in velvet cupcakes with candles...feeling like this was the perfect way to spend the day and usher in my 38th birthday...
On the eve of my 38th birthday I give thanks...
for another year..
for a strong marriage to a wonderful man..
for my children...
for my parents...
for my sisters...
for lessons learnt this year...
for mental, spiritual, financial and emotional awakenings..
for my very special and unique friends...
for forgiveness...
for second chances....
for God's timing being the only timing...
for the movement in my womb that reminds me of life...
for frustrations and irritations...
for aggravations and tears....
for the ability to get over those things that annoy me....
for learning how to see past my own tears....
for strength..
for courage...
for love...
for the magnificence that this new year will bring....
happy birthday eve to me!
old pic of me and yums |
i think about my children all the prayers are constantly for them...i pray for yahoshua who is with his father for the summer and in a different spiritual environment...i ask for his safety and emotional security...i pray for the strength that he needs when he's scared and overwhelmed..i pray that he knows just how much he's loved and cared for...
i pray that God makes him a better person than I could ever be..i pray he realizes his purpose..i pray for him to be centered...i pray for his health and emotional and spiritual maturity...i pray that
my indiscretions in life don't determine his destiny...i pray that my character flaws don't genetically predispose him to the weaknesses i face...i pray for my children but i pray so deeply for my first born son who means the world to me and is my heart...
i give him fully to God trusting that my prayers are already answered....
thank you for hearing my prayers.....
i love you yahoshua.
What is the glue that holds a marriage together? Some say it's love, shared interests and values, respect and trust.....and sex. Good old fashioned pull my hair..get the sheets wet...back breaking and heart pounding sex.
S.E.X. Is it enough? Do we put too much emphasis on this area or not enough?
Through personal conversations I've had over the years I've heard men comment that once the marriage occurs the loving stops. No more afternoon getaways or midnight complain that women are too tired or lose their interest and this causes them to lose interest in the marriage. Women, on the other hand, tend to comment that their needs change. They aren't able to participate as fully in their sexual lives because of children and work and keeping the house clean and the lack of affection displayed by their husbands. Their seems to be a division on the importance of keeping up physical intimacy in marriage.
I think sexual connection is a vital part of marriage. I don't believe it's the one and only thing that holds a marriage together but I do believe it plays a significant role. All the aspects of sexual intimacy must be cultivated by husband and wife. As wives, we need to let our husbands know what we need to maintain that physical longing for them; and we should create an environment where our husbands are comfortable enough to share what their needs are without fear of judgement. It's important that we take each other's needs into consideration and place value on these needs in order to have them met.
Marriage is forever. It is up to us to help make
our forever magical. This will happen with ongoing communication, continued trust and respect for each other, spiritual connectivity and....sexual intimacy. So is sex over rated or under rated in a marriage?
It's up to each spouse to find a wonderful balance with each other to make sex a joyful part of their union.