Exactly where I wanted to be at this age...on the eve of my 40th. Happy.
So just like that my birthday is days away. I'll be 40 on Friday. Wow!

I celebrated early by having a party this past Sunday. I had a blast with family and friends and here's what it showed me.

I am loved.

There are so many people that think of me fondly and wish me goodness and peace. What a blessing. I am blessed to have family members and friends that are good to me; that truly care about me; that God has specifically placed in my life because he loves me. This is the greatest birthday gift of all.

I know that I am loved. I know that because He loves me He has shown favor on me by giving me love through my husband, my parents, my sisters, my friends.

I don't need any more "things" for my birthday. I have all that I need.

The gift of my husband who is my miracle. There was a time that I  didn't think I could be (I didn't think I deserved) with someone who cared for me the way he does. Someone who sees my beauty when I don't; who believes that I am perfect for him. Who sees past my attitudes and complaints and focuses on my strengths. He is so patient, so loving, so kind. He is constantly growing. He loves me. He cares about our children. He is hard working. He is disciplined. He listens to me. He communicates. He helps around the house. He is more....but everything that I asked for in silent prayer and I received and he is all mine :-)

My friends and my family that continue to grow with me, laugh with me even when I bump my head. My sisters that have my back IN the DROP OF A HAT . You have no idea. I had no idea.

My best friend that knows when I really need her to be there and shows up! She drove 12 hours to celebrate with me before returning home to start a new job. She keeps a smile on my face...makes me giggle about our inside silly jokes and knows when to tell me that my ish stinks.

And all of my other friends that fill me with light. I am so blessed.

My children. What can I say? God knew what I needed and so he gave me 3 suns...who shine...and a daughter that is beautiful in so many ways. I wouldn't doubt if she's the first female president of the US!

My parents...thank you Lord for the gift of Annette and Stanley who never stopped believing in me and molded me into the woman I am today. I love them more than I knew.

So I have all of my gifts. I'm ready for 40!

Till the next time,

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