Here! Remember that from school? The teacher would call the roll and you'd wait anxiously for your name to or present. It was your way of letting the teacher and the class know that you were present and accounted for. I am here! Count me!
And then you begin to live life and there's no roll call..there's no attendance monitor..there's noone to say are you here and ARE YOU PRESENT? You are the stuff of life but are you present? Are you living in the present?
See when the teacher said your name he/she wasn't asking if you were present in the past or in the future....they were asking if you were present...IN THE NOW.
So are you present in the now? Are you in attendance today or did you show up sometime in the past or in the future? The present is right here and in our faces but it's one of the most difficult places to be in. To be in the present means to allow the past to be..just that..the past. And it means to allow the future to be what it will act yet to occur.
But in the present we are alive..we are in motion..we are deciding and living and breathing and being right in the moment.
Let's practice the art of living in the present. Living in the moment that we are in. Understanding that our past affects us and knowing that what we do today could influence tomorrow but in the moment we are....We are just the moment.
In the moment we have all the power. To shape right now and give birth to tomorrow. But enjoy right now..where you are..who you are...for tomorrow and the next day and the past days were all moments....
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1 Response
  1. Trenese Says:

    Alicia keys says in her song, No One, The present is a gift. I love that play on words but more importantly, it's true.

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