You know that feeling that you get right before you get or accomplish what you've been dying for! It's like a rush! But there's also anxiety associated with that feeling. You may have just paid off you're debt and have accomplished the goal of being DEBT FREE but then what do you do? Purchase a new vehicle or buy a new home or charge that "fierce" new dress. You've met the man of your dreams and he is beautiful! Certainly something must be wrong. He opens the door for you and calls to check on you; he cares about your needs and thinks you have the prettiest feet imaginable. Of course he must be gay, right? So instead of embracing what you have wanted you start to imagine that he's lying about something or at any moment the other shoe will fall. What that does is create drama. Now you start to have an attitude because in your mind he's cheating. Or you start to take on your lead role in CSI and snoop through receipts, his phone..his email. Something must be up and you're going to find it! In the end, you create in your reality what you thought of in the recesses of your mind. You sabotage what you desire so much because in reality you may not feel that you deserve it. What we believe about ourselves, in our core, manifests in how we behave in our relationships or in how we go after what we want. If we really don't believe in ourselves we won't believe we deserve to be happy or to have all that our hearts desire. Remember the way you sabotage something can manifest in different ways...your thoughts, your actions, your behavior, your moods. Start with your internal clean up. Discard those negative and ugly beliefs you hold true about yourself. EMBRACE what is for you and what has been blessed upon you and know in your spirit that you deserve it.