Are you woman enough to admit what your strongholds are? Am I woman enough to admit this to myself or someone else? Our strongholds are the emotional ties that we allow to control us..our thoughts and in turn our behavior. They are the barriers we believe we can't get rid of or overcome. The bad habits that we give power to because of how powerless we feel. They are the thoughts that we succumb to on an almost religious level. The images in our head that we feverishly hold onto. The desires that burn within. Strongholds can be broken. There are no fortresses that are impregnable..unless we choose them to be. When we acknowledge that something or someone has a stronghold over us we admit that this is an area that demands attention. We begin the process with that statement.....______ has a stronghold over me. Now what do you do with that. You either feed it with your feelings of helplessness or destroy it with your will power and determination. Think about it. Emotions such as helplessness are easy and passive traits. We experience them without even thinking. But to be strong and develop will power demands work. We have to work at that muscle. Work at that belief that you can overcome any thought and in turn any behavior. Strong holds are there to polish your character and show you just who you are. Welcome them like you would any challenge and then celebrate in your victory when you overcome.
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