All of it.
Or at least that's what I tell myself to avoid getting stuck.
In my head.
About how I should look..
at this point.
22 weeks after the birth of my son.

So i love my belly.
the roundness and softness that's a reminder
that i carried my son
for 35 weeks...early but perfect.

i love my belly..
the way it feels when i'm happy over
a cinnamon coffee cake....cinammon dulce peppermint tea..a fresh ripe mango..banana flavored yogurt...pie burgers...lentil soup...fresh water with lemon olives...roti...pistachios...
when it's happy cause i've fed it good...

and even when i don't love all of my belly..i love that i'm trying...
and learning to love the adjustment that is such a reflection of how life is.
not always perfect but good to us.
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