  1. character development
  2. insight
  3. honesty
  4. discipline
  5. responsibility
  6. self reflection
  7. laughter
  8. kisses
  9. hugs
  10. affirmations
  11. essential oils
  12. saying i love you
  13. hearing i love you
  14. tears when necessary
  15. smiles
  16. a hot cup of coffee
  17. lessons
  18. a good book
  19. great conversation
  20. love
  21. peace
  22. great intimacy
  23. passion
  24. making love
  25. adventure
  26. committment
  27. ...........

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2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

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  2. Egypt Says:

    Hi, thanks so much for your kind comments and for sharing such positive energy! Please continue to stop by from time to time :-)

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