I just completed Success Never Smelled So Sweet by Lisa Price, founder of Carol's Daughter (http://www.carolsdaughter.com/), a natural bath and body fragrance line. The book was AMAZING! There were so many aspects on being a woman that she talked about. She discussed insecurity, poor body image, making poor decisions with money and men, fear, faith and making dreams come true. I recommend every woman read this book. Wherever you are in your life and whatever you may be experiencing I believe that you will find some encouragement and direction from this book. One thing that resonated throughout the book is that Spirit/God/the Universe will always guide you. We have to be willing to stop, listen and move...
Honey Healing Bath
Honey - pour a generous amount into a decorative bowl
Full length mirror
Candles, preferably pink or yellow
1. Close the door to your bathroom and draw a hot tub of bath water.
2. Light Candles
3. Stand in front of a full-length mirror. Look at your body, loving its curves, dimples and droopy places.
4. Ask God to send a healing energy to your spirit. Let the Universe know that you are willing to let go of pain and accept health and wholeness.
5. Dip your fingers into the decorative bowl, covering the tips with honey.
6. Smear honey around both eyes, your ears, your nose, mouth, genitals (upper thighs) and anus. (Note:Be careful not to allow honey to enter your vagina.)
7. Slowly get into the tub, being careful not to burn yourself.
8. Pray. State to our Creator the thoughts, habits and behaviors you are willing to release. Also, let God know that your are open to having your spirit healed. Say it like you mean it.
9. Be still. When you finish praying, crying, praising God or whatever emotional reactions you may have, spend a few moments in silence, taking in the peaceful energy you have drawn into your life.
- taken from Success Never Smelled So Sweet, p. 152
Honey Healing Bath
Honey - pour a generous amount into a decorative bowl
Full length mirror
Candles, preferably pink or yellow
1. Close the door to your bathroom and draw a hot tub of bath water.
2. Light Candles
3. Stand in front of a full-length mirror. Look at your body, loving its curves, dimples and droopy places.
4. Ask God to send a healing energy to your spirit. Let the Universe know that you are willing to let go of pain and accept health and wholeness.
5. Dip your fingers into the decorative bowl, covering the tips with honey.
6. Smear honey around both eyes, your ears, your nose, mouth, genitals (upper thighs) and anus. (Note:Be careful not to allow honey to enter your vagina.)
7. Slowly get into the tub, being careful not to burn yourself.
8. Pray. State to our Creator the thoughts, habits and behaviors you are willing to release. Also, let God know that your are open to having your spirit healed. Say it like you mean it.
9. Be still. When you finish praying, crying, praising God or whatever emotional reactions you may have, spend a few moments in silence, taking in the peaceful energy you have drawn into your life.
- taken from Success Never Smelled So Sweet, p. 152