Or should I say, are relationships our projects? And do we need it to be a project in order for it to be more exciting, exhilirating, alive? What about when a relationship fits like a puzzle. The pieces just fit together. Does that make it less thrilling? I want my love, my relationship to be like a puzzle that fits well. If it's a project, I am constantly working on changing or fitting or making something work. I don't want a relationship that I have to make work, like putting a square peg in a round circle. I want one that fits. This doesn't mean I don't believe in the hard work required to maintain a successful relationship. I welcome the challenges and the elbow grease that I'll need. What I don't want to do is believe that the "more I have to work on this" the more it means we're supposed to be together. There is security as well as excitement involved in a "good fit." It means that despite whatever may come our way we can succeed together. Our energy is focused on the solutions instead of the project....just my point of view...
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2 Responses
  1. Zire Says:

    Your exactly right..A friend of mine was tight because some dude she wanted to call, didn't call! I said, what you gonna make him call?
    We need folks that are in harmony (fit) with our ways and energies...We have all been around those that were disharmonious! (not sure if that's a word, but i like it) We just need to admit when things aren't right and move on, even when we are attracted to the person...Depends on what your looking for....

  2. Egypt Says:

    I like that. People who are in harmony with our ways and energy. That's fresh!

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