
What makes you feel great? What gets your blood flowing, your juices "juicing", your inner child jumping and squealing for joy? Is it warm spring days, chocolate, a full bank account, your child's smile? Are you able to feel great even when things aren't quite going your way? That's the difficult part; utilizing positive energy when all you feel is blah and negative. At those times it's important to pull from whatever source available to get that "good feeling" back. That may be church for some, writing in your journal, listening to some Coltrane, getting a good cry ot talking to a loved one. Dig deep, as deep as possible, when you want to feel good. Light some candles, take a warm bath, sing as loudly as you can and proclaim I feel good, I Feel good, I FEEL GOOD! and mean it.
1 Response
  1. Trenese Says:

    You know, that has always worked for me but for some reason, no matter how positive I try to be with myself, it's not coming from a genuine place because I am broken. This is why I've decided to take the entire month of April off and take care of me and get back to the healthy place I need to be in. I have a lot of work to do, some healing, some praying and fasting and whatever else it takes to get it together. I'm looking forward to coming out on the other side of this thing. Thanks mom for letting me see that it's okay to be vulnerable, just don't stay there.

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