
My son is 9 years old. His name is Yahoshua but I call him Yums or Yummy. He's a remarkable little boy, cute, sweet, kind and loving. Yesterday was picture day at school and I completely forgot!!!!! I remembered on Monday morning when I gave him the form to take to school but by Tuesday morning it had slipped my mind. So he went to school in his usual gear, a polo and cargo pants (usually not ironed) and badly in need of a haircut. He said that everyone else was dressed really nicely. I apologized profusely for forgetting and he said, "it's ok mommy I know you're busy." *Sigh* I can't ever be too busy for Yummy....
3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Buster (Yums) has always been wise beyond his years. In his little mine, he has chosen to focus on all of the things that you have done right and not put too much attention on what you may have done that was not quite right. At least he is expressing his feelings and thoughts with you and not holding them inside which means he trust you enough to be honest.

  2. Juanita Says:

    A woman's work is never done, so sometimes it's difficult to remember everything. We try to balance ourselves, family, work, relationships, spirituality, and gets overwhelming!

  3. Zire Says:

    He's a man, what was he supposed to do cry? The girls probably was loving him for keeping his compusure about not being dressed up! We care about things sometimes our kids, say "whatevah" too! If my kids are happy, my dissatisfaction is dissolved!

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