Oxytocin! It's a beautiful thing. It's the hormone that is released during love making that makes you bond to your partner. It's also released during labor and breast feeding that creates the bond with your infant. Many times in our relationships we tend to "punish our man/mate" by not being intimate with them. We say we're not going to "give him any" to teach him a lesson. What lesson would that be? The act of intimacy in a loving relationship cements the relationship even more. "The brain affects behavior, but behavior also affects the brain," In other words, in a loving and committed relationship, learn to give it up more! You may find that it helps to create a wonderful environment with your partner. :-)
I agree, but as a man ya'll knew i probbaly would. Listen, sex for a man is more than just the act. The best sex or love making is when it is all proceeded by sweet stuff that happens between couples, that if seen by an bystander, would seem like regular behavior. So when a woman or a man is withholding sex, they are upset about something that has nothing to do with sex. Their so caought up in what their upset about, they can't release theri bodies to welcome they pleasure of their partna! Get right ya'll!