I had the opportunity yesterday to see my girlfriend's new baby girl. She is precious. She decided to come into the world months early so she's still in the hospital. But she is a fighter! She has shown that she wants to be here and is giving life her best shot. That strength and struggle is awesome to behold. Life begins with your first breath and ends with your last. When you're pregnant the doctors tell you when you can expect your child to be born but you don't know the exact moment that they will take their first breath. And when life ends you have no clue when the final breath will be taken. Knowing that puts life in perspective. What are you putting off for tomorrow because you assume you'll be here to do it? Is it resolving an issue with someone? Telling your child that you love them and are proud of them? Is it returning a phone call? Or maybe taking a much needed vacation? We are arrogant enough to believe that when we are ready we will have the opportunity to do these things. Your last breath will be just that....the final breath of air/energy in and out. What happens in between your first breath and last is entirely up to you. Make it count.