My son left for the summer yesterday. I won't see him for another 2 months. Although he has been leaving each and every summer for five years I still get sad when I say good bye. I had an interesting experience before he left yesterday; the first in five years. Yums was sitting by the gate with my love and I walked about 30 feet away to buy a pack of gum for him. I couldn't have been gone for more than 30 seconds but when I turned to walk back to them Yums was gone. I looked in amazement at my love and asked him.....where is Yums? To which he replied, they had to take him on the plane. Never in this leaving process had I not been allowed to kiss my son's cheeks and tell him I love him before he walked onto the plane. I broke down. Right in the airport I started crying and it was almost like I couldn't help myself. The manager noticing my distress allowed me to go on the PACKED and WAITING TO LEAVE plane and go to the very last seat where my son was sitting to give him a kiss and hug goodbye. I appreciated that more than she knew and was able to leave some of my energy with my son and take some of his.