Every girl dreams of a big wedding, white dress and her fair prince, right? With half of all marriages ending in divorce are we dreaming of our perfect wedding or our perfect mate? We usually know the song we'll walk to; where we want to get married and how large our bridal party will be before we even have a fiancee. We prepare and prepare for that big day with passion and vigor! We can't wait for the ring and the parties and the gifts and of course the honeymooon! All along we believe we have Mr.Right because he proposed; but how often do we prepare ourselves and our relationship for the marriage as opposed to the wedding? After the honeymoon and excitement of planning for the wedding has waned are we ready for the real life committment? Are we prepared for the insecurity and perfectly human behavior? Can we deal with dirty socks on the floor or a lackluster attitude towards work or life or sex? After we have gained the coveted title of " Mrs. "do we then evaluate if our "Mr." (the beloved husband) share the same Values, Interests and Principles as ours? Some may say, why get married when statistics show it's likely to fail. Why take that risk? If it isn't broken why fix it by getting married, right? Preparation for your marital lifestyle as opposed to your opulent wedding day is insurance to a healthy committment. It's not fool proof but if we expend the same energy into creating the system for a healthy union then it's a risk that will be worth it.