Is making love the panacea for all ailments in a relationship? Does creating energy and sharing it with your loved one actually create passion and cement the union? We know that oxytocin is released and bonding is created through the release in intimacy but does it end there? After the hormone has been released and the immediate feelings of togetherness have vanished what is left? Are you still intimate? And if there is never any physical intimacy in a relationship then does it doom the union or strengthen it? The problem lies in the "end all." If all there is is the sexual acts then there is little to build on when the perspiration has cooled and the longing has dissipated. What makes the relationship holistic is when there is balance between the physical intimacy, emotional connection, spiritual pairing and an organic foundation based on similar values and beliefs. So while a releasing session of love making may cure the immediate stress you feel if it occurs before it's time it can cloud the differences that are apparent and the warning signals that are glaring.