We all want someone to crave us. We all want the experience of craving someone. In a relationship it is important that this fundamental need is met. I crave you. I cherish, respect, appreciate, value and am excited by you. I crave you. If these needs are not met the unraveling of the relationship may begin. We need to feel that our mates cherish who we are; that they respect our individuality and unique differences; that they value who we are and what we bring into the relationship and that they continue to get excited by us. What happens when we feel our needs are not met is that we seek their fulfillment elsewhere. And we likely will find it with that "friend" of the opposite sex, or the sensitive coworker or ex that always seems to have a listening ear. Let's begin the practice of craving (cherishing, respecting, appreciating, valuing and being excited by) our mate and letting them know just how much we crave them. It may provide the salve to a hurting relationship.