It's a blessing from the Creator to be so close to my 36th birthday. 6 more days of celebrating life at 35. I feel good. I have this delicious little boy that I call Yums who will love me forever and who makes me laugh. I have this wonderful big man that remembers I love sundresses and Starbucks and will go get me a slice of key lime pie in the middle of the night..just cause I want it. I have these great sisters who keep me balanced as the middle child. On one end my older sister who is beautiful beyond understanding and so full of life it's hard to describe. On the other end my little sister with the brown beauties for children who is like a real life superhero to me. I have girlfriends that make me laugh; make me cry; allow me to be me; help me to be the woman I crave to be. I have parents that love me unconditionally..despite. I have a home to come to at night. I have a job. I have food to sustain me. I have legs to get me where I'm going. My mind is at rest. I am being loved every day even when I don't know it. I am so grateful to be at this point in my life.