Sometimes I get scared. Really heart pounding and covers over my head. I believe there are monsters under my bed or in my closet. I think the boogie man is right around the corner and I'm convinced that some horrifying creature is gonna jump out and "get me!" And when I look really closely I realize that the monster under my bed may be a situation that I need to take care of; the boogie man is the bill I don't want to open and the horrifying creature is the conversation I don't want to have. So I have options. I can either pretend these scary situations don't exist or I can "turn on the light" and expose the "monsters/creatures" for what they really are...a figment of the imagination that I have allowed to grow out of proportion. In my mind the situation seems bigger and scarier than it really is. When I look at it closely I realize I don't need to be a superhero I just need to take control. Whatever you fear today is not as terrifying as you believe. Take away the power from the monster under your bed by turning on the light of courage and face the truth head on.
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