I'm at the end of my 35th year of life. Already. As with most birthdays I am contemplative. I am thinking of what I've accomplished so far. What dreams I have realized. Where have I fallen and bruised myself and where have I healed beautifully. What have I learned? Where am I still growing? What do I still need? Am I the same woman that I was at 25/15...Will I be the same woman at 45/55/65...Who will I be? I am proud of who I am today. I am not perfect but I am happy. As long as I am breathing I will make mistakes; I will have to apologize for something to someone. I will always have the gamut of emotions that the Creator has given us. But as long as I have breath I will be working diligently to be the WOMAN that I was created to be. I will be passion and belief; diligence and sensitivity. I will be strong and yet vulnerable. Irritable and yet happy. I will always be in various stages of development but I will enjoy the journey and will be blessed to have the experience. ~happy birthday to me. thank you Creator for my life~