A fire is kept going by stoking it; by adding elements that will allow it to keep going. A spark gets the fire going and then wood may be added to keep that spark. In relationships it's just as vital to feed the fire. In the beginning there are sparks that look like school girl smiles and vibrant energy and you can't get enough of each other. Eventually the spark fades and instead of keeping the fire glowing and full we may start to ignite sparks in other places. The key is to learn what will keep your relationship fire glowing. Is it good conversation, acknowledgement; is it cards on random Tuesdays or respect of each other's differences. What does your relationship need to stoke that fire? Have you asked each other that question or do you assume chocolates and roses will do the trick? In long term healthy commitments this is something that we must strive to discover. Life will present regularity and routine in your relationship but it is simple to stoke your fire and keep it lit. Just take the time to learn how....