Diamonds are formed primarily by intense pressure over long periods of time. Sometimes when life becomes too much and you feel like you've reached the end of your rope, think of a diamond. "Diamonds are formed when enough pressure is produced ninety miles under the earth's surface, along with temperatures of 2200 degrees Fahrenheit. Without these particular conditions, diamonds can't be formed." (http://ezinearticles.com/?How-Are-Diamonds-Formed&id=405139). So without these conditions it would be impossibe for something as priceless and precious as a diamond to be created. Could it be that we need the same type of pressure and emotional temperatures to erupt into the diamond that we are? We ask, why me? Why can't I find the good man, or good job? Why do other women seem to have "all the luck" or appear to have it so easy? Why is my life this way? When will my trials be over? But when you reformulate "your life being this way" you will see how you are being formed. Your character is being developed, your passion is being fine tuned, your creativity is being created. You are being fashioned into something exquisite and rare. Your experiences..the conditions of your life...are shaping you. You have to believe that there is a diamond waiting to shine from within. And though it may take some time it is necessary for your creation and in time your diamond will breakthrough the surface and dazzle brightly.....