rachelle ferrell, a fabulous singer, has a song in which she sings...i'm still waiting...for you to be mine...patiently for the right time...every time i hear it i get chills. i was waiting...patiently..for the right time...for my love to materialize. and did he ever. he is my beloved in whom i am so very well pleased. he is my protector. my anchor. i waited for one who'd know my needs and work to have them met. the one who'd surprise me to see me smile. she sings.."boy i've been watching you for so long...and i like what i see..." that's how it was with us. my friend and companion for forever. my love today. i am grateful beyond description for my love. for his imperfections and human frailty. i am loving him in unimaginable ways. patience led the way to this gift of my love....
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