Marriage. The end all and be all of commitment. The ultimate expression of commitment. Till death do us part..I vow..never to be attracted to another. Right? Once we get married our attraction and desire towards anyone else is ultimately killed, right? Really? This belief system may lead to a marriage that is not rooted in realistic expectations. Our commitment to our committment will prayerfully be the reason Fidelity is maintained. But we have to know that whether in a long term committed relationship/marriage you will always find attraction on some level to other people. It's human nature to find others attractive either on a physical/sexual/spiritual/ intellectual level. It's what you do with that attraction. As with anything else, do you feed it or starve it? Feed it by maintaining a friendship with someone you have an innate attraction to? Or starve it by creating boundaries and not putting yourself in a situation that will prove unhealthy to your relationship. It may be uncomfortable but it's important to have discussions about this with your spouse. Talk about your expectations or beliefs about what attraction is or how it looks when you're in a relationship. Discuss what kind of boundaries are needed and expected. Find out if you and your spouse have similar beliefs when it comes to this area in your relationship. Understand that marriage is going to be a life long process and learning experience but it will not be the cure to our human selves. Practicing the muscle of discipline and character development will be that salve....
3 Responses
  1. Great Post. I agree, it's absurd to think that Marriage is the antedote to opposite-sex attraction, but I certainly think that for rational people who want their marriages to work "putting it on ice" is necessary. As Humans, we were given the freedom of choice and the ability to rationalize things. I think that for married persons-it is imperative to be capable of thinking beyond ones physical attraction for another and be able to visualize all of the consequences that may result from not keeping it tightly in check.

  2. Egypt Says:

    I agree and definitely keeping boundaries for yourself

  3. LOVE everything about this post so realistic and honest!!!!

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