As much as I strive to be the woman I was called/created to be I'm not perfect. And it's not that I thought I was on a conscious level but on some level arrogance permitted me to think I was damn near...I guess. But conversations which can lead to a powerful thing. It knocks you off of your pedestal and allows you to fall flat onto and into reality. See I'm a really easy going, laid back, lavender and butterflies kind of woman. I love easily. I love family. I belive in relationships. I believe in people. Maybe all on a surface level. But when you dig a bit deeper and pry open the layers you see the imperfections. You see the gaping wounds that still need lavendar salve to help them heal. This acknowledgment can only help me. It can only be my catalyst to Open my Eyes to Me. To see that it's not always....someone's else's fault...that I feel the way I do. I have to work on/create belief systems that I truly feel. And I truly feel things. I will only reach my perfection when butterflies are released and my ashes are scattered in the crystal blue sea....until then I'm an ongoing work in progress.