If my husband is my reflection and my chosen mate by God then the Creator has vision that I didn't or don't have.

My husband is patient and seldom gets annoyed or irritated while my ongoing daily phrase is....someone is annoying me.

My husband is confident and strong while at times I feel weak and afraid.

My husband is direct about his feelings and thoughts while I tend to speak in tongues and beat around the bush until you "kinda figure out" what I'm talking about.

My husband is forgiving. While I've often thought of myself as a forgiving person I tend to hold grudges against people that I've felt hurt me the most in life.

My husband cares deeply about everyone and sees the goodness in people. {Reference the above comment where I speak daily about being annoyed by someone.}

My husband will deal with a problem head on and with swiftness while I attempt to sweep things under the rug until I trip.

Because I know this man is my reflection I know that I know that I am all of the positive traits and qualities I see in him. Maybe I don't always feel this way but the primary reason he CHOSE me was because I reflected him in the perfect and divine way.

It's wonderful to be married to someone who you look up to and respect because it allows you to constantly strive to be the best person. It is a daily reminder to shape and mold your character in the likeness of God because you see the god in your spouse.

I'm grateful that God saw what I didn't and allowed me to be in a marriage where I will continue to grow and be groomed; to be my husband's reflection as he is mine and ultimately  reflect the Creator's love.
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