I awoke this morning with the bible verse....create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me....resonating in my thoughts. It was my first thought when I opened my eyes.

This verse is extra special to me right now as I carry Plus One. Everything that my son or daughter is experiencing is through me. Their taste, sounds, and most importantly thoughts and emotions are colored by the landscape of what I'm feeling and thinking. If my thoughts arent' pure and my temple is toxic I am creating that same environment for them. It is up to me to continue to create the purest environment for him or her to grow. It doesn't matter how many juicy fruits I eat and how much spring water I drink if my thoughts are full of junk. It's as important that I'm feeding him or her good energy.

So I ask the Creator this morning to create in me a clean heart...renew a right spirit within that I may follow what is good and righteous and may provide my child a healthy start in life....
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