My husband,

Every day with you is like winning the lottery. You are truly God's gift to me and through your love I can really experience His richest blessings. You are a rarity and a gem amongst men. You are not the norm. Your wisdom, you intuitiveness, your depth and your love only come around once in truly a blue moon.

On my worst days when I am cranky and irritable you respond to me with warmth and compassion. You understand how I'm feeling; what I'm feeling and what I need and then you go to work. You daily remind me that I am your queen. You never let me forget that I am the prettiest girl in the world and your best best friend ever.

For you I am so grateful. With you life takes on a different hue. Our sorrows and our times of challenges become easier to deal with. Those times of passion and bliss are even more sweeter when we share them together. You are my heart and next to God you are the center of my life.

Our children are so blessed to have you as their father. Our community is enriched because of your selflessness and humility.

My love, my husband, my very best friend...I just can't wait to continue every twist and turn of our journey. Together we have everything we need in life and then just a little bit more.....we are more than lucky. We are blessed.

Loving you forever,
your darling wife, egypt
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