I'm a sensitive thing. I love hard. I forgive easily. I'm often emotionally  naked. I make myself vulnerable without batting a eye. I put myself out there.

And when my feelings get hurt because I feel someone has taken advantage of me in anyway or taken my openness for granted then I close up. I completely dry up. I shut down. I'm quick to's ok but inside it stings like crazy.

I have to learn that if someone doesn't respond to me in the way that I'd imagine or expect because of my emotional generosity it really is ok. It doesn't make them a bad person. It doesn't make me stupid for being vulnerable. It means they are not ready to receive what  I have to give emotionally. And that really is ok.

I have to learn what to do from there. I have to really understand that you let it be. Don't take it personally and don't condemn that person. Allow it to be.

But that's the most difficult part for me.....
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