Guest post by my husband, Hotep.
Never underestimate the power of forgiveness. When you forgive someone for what they have done it's allows healing and peace of mind to set in. In truth you are the one who primarily benefits from forgiving someone. A unforgiving spirit complicates life and stagnates our emotional and spiritual progression. It clouds our reasoning and stops our blessings. It unknowingly smothers truth and infects others causing them to pay for damages that they didn't create. We are held captive to a spirit that we do not have to own. We become prisoner's of our past and victim's of our present. Mark 11:25 and Luke 6:36 are examples in the bible that deals with the dangers of unforgiveness. Resentment, fear, misunderstanding,and confusion are all enemy's of the heart. In order to grow, we have to let go. Forgiving someone does not justify their deeds. It starts the healing process so we can take back control of our lives. I know it is easier said then done. This is why we need the Creator in the center of lives to show us how to properly forgive. In the Quran it states the Allah is the best of planners. (Sura 3:54). Who knows us better than the one who created us? There is nothing more powerful than a made up mind. (Sura 13:11) Ase!
Hotep Nuri