I truly believe that our thoughts are the catalyst for our reality. What we think, we become and what is real in our heads will manifest in our lives. As a newlywed I am learning the importance of caring for my thoughts and being mindful of the affect it can have on my marriage. I realized if I stopped in the moment of my thought, especially if it were a negative one, and asked myself the following questions then I could avert some funky situations. Here are the questions I ask myself:

What is my spouse’s intention?

Is this a worse case scenario thought?

What are some other possibilities?

If you were in this position how would you handle it?

Does this need to be discussed? Does a boundary need to be established?

What is your intention?

Will you React in Fear or Respond in Love?

And then I remind myself that the journey is not in the destination but in all of the beautiful meandering paths it takes to get there. Enjoy it…..

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