After a long day... An overwhelmingly long and draining day one must find refuge. And at times my refuge is in a glass or three  of Moscato or Riesling or my favorite, Seven Daughters. And if it weren't for my glass or bottle of said wine I may completely nut up and find comfort in the wonderful arms of  genuine psychosis! There are days like that and today very well may have been one of those days!

But as always and in everything I give thanks.Without my job that drives me insane I'd be a bag lady at your local supermarket or an exotic entertainer at a nearby Senior Citizens Center. So I'm grateful that I can work in the comfort of my home for my 8 hour shift. I can see my son off to school in the morning and be here when he gets off of the bus in the afternoon. If I didn't have my 11 year who knows absolutely everything, is never wrong about anything and at times has the negotiation skills of Johnny Cochran, I wouldn't be a mother. And for me being a mother has been the best thing that has happened. Period. So I embrace his early puberty with thankfulness and pray for the patience to endure all that his adolescence may have for me!

I am grateful. I am blessed to have my home, a warm bed to snuggle in at night; plenty of food to eat and a family that I'd do anything for and who would do anything for me. As always, God is good.

All in all, Life is Good....and all the more better with some  moscato!
1 Response
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