I need a detox. A good cleaning. Something that will scrub out all decay and extra waste and leave me squeaky clean. I need something that will require committment and time. I want a detox that will leave me feeling 10 pounds lighter.

I need to detox my mind.

From foolishness.
and worry.
from insecurity.
And unhappiness.

If I fill my mind with unhealthy information it becomes cluttered and a wasteland of toxic emotions and energy. But if I take the time to clean it out then I'm left with a new perspective and higher energy.

In order to detox my mind this week I plan to reduce my TV intake tremendously. Usually the TV is one while I'm working as white noise in the background. What's on though is usually a Judge show or the news. Neither are good for my sanity. I also plan to reduce my Internet browsing significantly. Sometimes too much of anything is not a good thing. So while I enjoy reading about natural hair and fashion, the overkill on my mind can lead to feelings of want and/or insecurity. I also plan to read nightly. Instead of watching something senseless to help me fall asleep I will pick up one of the many lovely books in my home.

What we put into our bodies comes out in one form or the other. What we put into our minds does the same thing. A healthy diet shows in glowing skin; a healthy mind diet shows in happiness. Inner happiness is the result of feeding your mind and spirit on a daily basis.

I'm up for this challenge to live a happier, brighter and light life....
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