In my imaginary world Michael Scott is a real person and I want him to be my manager. I want to have inappropriate conversations with him and feed into his grandiose and narcissistic personality. I want my manager to have the ability to make a bad situation worse. I want to secretly sit next to Dwight K.Schrute even though I can’t stand him. I want to listen to Kelly gossip about everyone and discuss how to take over the company with Ryan. I probably would have many conversations with Kevin just to hear him talk. My lunch dates would be with Oscar because he knows everything or Andy Bernard so we could scope out deals on snappy outfits. Sometimes I might have coffee with Meredith just to hear her talk about slutty experiences while grimacing at the thought! I think I would be a regular visitor in the home of Jim and Pam Halpert; and I would listen to Phyllis’s lurid stories about her and Bob. I’d sneak away with Creed to…eat something weird or smoke something weird or do something weird?! I would talk about Angela behind her back but Erin would be my BFF who I went out to Happy Hour with. Stanley would be my play uncle and I’d live to see him in meetings playing his crossword puzzles, completely unimpressed with everyone. This would be my imaginary world where I’d go to work every day with a smile on my face…waiting for the next ridiculous antic to take place.
I Love Love Love The Office…Can you tell?
I Love Love Love The Office…Can you tell?