I work from home full time. I've been blessed to work in this position for about two years now. I work in the corporate field and until two years ago I had to drive nearly 100 miles round trip daily. It was horrible and I prayed daily for a change! When the opportunity to telecommute manifested itself I promised myself that I would limit my complaints about my job. After all, I was at home...full time!
Currently we are experiencing icy weather in the south. Many stores have been closed or closing early and the schools have been closed all week. My office has also been closed all week but for those of us who telecommute it's been business as usual! I've heard mumblings and rumblings about how unfair this is because we still have to work while those who actually drive to work have been off for days now...with pay.
Life is not fair. It just isn't. Things aren't always going to be balanced. Sometimes the pendulum will swing in our direction and sometimes it won't. Sometimes we'll want to pout and stomp our feet with the unfairness of it all and other times we'll bask in "how fair life is being to us in this moment."
Sometimes we just need to recognize that things won't always work out perfectly. They may not seem fair. But we have to be humble enough to recognize that there are times things work for our favor and may have others feeling that it's not fair. We teach this principal to our children all the time yet as grownups we tend to forget it.
It's ok to feel a slight twinge of jealousy or resentment or whatever when you feel something isn't right for you. But before you allow that thought to take hold and run wildly and loosely remember your blessings; the things you have and the opportunities you've been given. Spend that time being thankful and your blessings in life will continue to grow....life isn't always fair, but that's ok.