from the Gates of Prayer: The New Union Jewish Prayer Book

"Make every effor to pray from the heart.
Even if you do not succeed,
in the eyes of the Lord the
effort is precious."
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My girlfriend, Juanita, is beautiful to me. She is radiant. She exudes brilliance. She is edgy and raw and gifted. She is every woman and yet a unique woman. She is strong and loving. She is fearless as well as scared. She is a mother. I don't even believe she knows how lovely she is. I wish the world could see her and know her the way I do. My friend, Juanita. A woman who looks like me who I find beautiul.

I had an interesting dialogue today about following your heart or your mind in the matters of the heart. My belief is that we must follow both; there must be a careful balance in order to achieve a healthy attachment. I ran across this article that I thought summed up this discussion perfectly.

LOVE IS BLIND It all started with a collection of my hurt and dismayed patients who thought they had the best partner, only later to discover that they had either overlooked or minimized significant problems. I was in the habit of asking them to look back on the early stages of their relationship and tell me if they could see any signs of these problems. Invariably, they said yes. Haven’t you wondered why so many people overlook issues and differences in their dating relationships only to have them plague their marriages years later? You are dumbfounded when your friend forgives her boyfriend (or his girlfriend) for that destructive and repeating pattern of behavior that everyone else can see… but then it happens to you. You become struck by love and everything blurs. Not until after a breakup (or sometimes after the wedding) does the light bulb come on, and then you feel really stupid because all those warning signals you ignored in the beginning of the relationship seem so clear in hindsight. Why is it that love is blind?Two reasons emerged when I asked my disillusioned patients why they did not pay attention to those early warning signals. Combined, they capture the essence of what causes the love is blind syndrome.First, many said, “If I only knew then what I know now.” They lacked the head knowledge of what to look for in a prospective partner. It is not surprising that most of us are greatly misinformed about the characteristics that predict marriage-material, seeing that few of us have ever been formally taught about relationships. Our classrooms have been our families, friends, romantic movies, trashy novels, and our own trial and error experiences. While some of you gained clarity on this subject from matriculating through these courses, most have become more confused and apprehensive. As my curiosity deepened I started digging through the annals of research on love, romance, dating, mate selection, and predictors of satisfaction in marriage. I read more than a thousand articles, dozens of self-help books, and endless writings from popular magazines. I had taught advanced marriage and family graduate coursework and was well aware of the plethora of research on the premarital predictors of marital happiness. I pored over these studies and found that most of the predictors grouped into five categories:• Compatibility potential, including the balance between the similarities and differences of personality, values and interests between you and this person. In other words, how you “fit together.”• Relationship skills, including communication, openness, conflict management and resolution, and others.• Patterns from other relationships, including both relationship patterns from other romantic and non-romantic relationships.• Family patterns and background, including the quality of parental marriage, the family’s expression of affection and emotion, development of roles, and interaction patterns.• Character and conscience traits, including the emotional health and the maturity of conscience.The first two categories are fairly obvious and likely to be identified and understood early in a new relationship. The other three, however, are more subtle and usually remain hidden for much of the premarital time. It was these three categories that were most often referred to as being overlooked by my dissatisfied and reflective patients.The second reason that these patients minimized crucial signs of problems was summed up in a phrase I most often heard them say while sighing- “I guess I was just too much in love.” Rather than lacking an understanding of their partner, they experienced an over-developed emotional attachment that resulted in a severing their head from their heart. Embedded in this latter reason were thoughts like “things will get better,” and “I know this is a problem but he/she loves me, and that is all that matters.” I refer to this as a lack of heart knowledge.We can laugh when we see this kind of over attachment in popular television programs about singles because we relate to them. But the sobering reality is not funny at all, especially if you’ve been in a series of relationships that felt like true love but ended up as anything but.

We need fresh air, water and sunshine to breathe. We need fresh fruits and veggies to grow and we need love to survive. We cannot live without these things. We will wither and die, literally. We want bigger homes, fancier cars and brand name clothing to show what we have. We want fast foods and alcohol to feel better. We can live without these things. They don't sustain our growth. The concept of needs versus wants is so simple yet we work so hard for our wants and take our needs for granted. And yet caring for our needs will keep us healthy. Green leafy vegetables can help to keep cancer and other illnesses away. Yet we long for greasy fries and milkshakes which will put unnecessary weight on us and contribute to sickness. We need to start the practice of paying attention to what our needs are and be diligent in having them met. We will grow wholistically in the process and create more balance in our lives.

Spring has sprung and here I go in love again. With the changing of the seasons I fall in love with the endings and beginnings. The end of one climate in my life and the beginning of another. And so I fall in love with the possibilities. I fall in love with the fresh new flowers popping up everywhere; the butterflies flitting by happily. I fall in love with the prospects of picnics and sundresses and time at the beach. I fall in love with these things because they mean something to me. The significance of starting all over fills me with joy and beauty and I get excited about the birth of a new era in my life. I love falling in love with these things and recognizing that they won't be around forever but I will enjoy them while they're here and prepare for the next season when I will fall in love all over again.....

I saw the most beautiful rainbow last evening. It seemed to appear out of nowhere but it was crystal clear in the sky and gave me goose bumps looking at it. Later that night it rained and stormed terribly and today it's summer skies and beautiful! Life can be like that. Out of nowhere a beautiful surpise like a rainbow and then difficulties and fears like a storm and then easy going and lovely like a spring day. If we/I remember this will it make dealing with issues easier? I would like to believe so but in the moment we tend to get stuck on the stormy skies and thunder. We never think they'll be another pretty day when in fact blue skies will always follow a storm. I want to appreciate wonderful surprises like rainbows and know that my pot of gold may be a lesson well learnt, a delightful experience or a precious memory. Despite any changes remember to enjoy the many moments of your life.
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Children automatically invoke joy. Regardless of your mood or despondency they have a way of bringing light and energy and tons of smiles. You can't help but feel happy when you see big innocent eyes, little fat legs learning to crawl, or 9 year olds who are "weight lifting." :-) Playing the wii with them or uno or patty cake are all fun activities. It's a simple and yet beautiful way of feeling joyful. Find a child to play with today.
Every moment of every day, choose. Choose to do the right thing, the tough thing, - not the familiar, easy thing. Choose the way of the warrior or the way of the coward. Make your choice out of love instead of fear. Choose from the heart. Choose to live fully, not to sleepwalk through your life. Choose to respond with the way you really feel, not the way you're supposed to feel. ...Make your own choices in your own time and choose to stick to them.

~excerpt from Words of Wisdom for Women by Rachel Snyder. p. 45
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Things that aren't working just let them go....all seasons end.....

"Where do I fit in?" says the square peg while overlooking a peg board full of round holes. "Not here" says the world at large, so the square peg journeys endlessly in search of somewhere outside of the world to fit in... ultimately seeking inward."

Being a square peg in a world of round holes is difficult. You feel as though you never quite fit in. And so you spend most of your life trying to figure out how to fit in. Accept your uniqueness and all the traits that make you beautiful and different. Embrace the differences; bask in your squareness. You are a unique individual. Learn to appreciate that and you won't notice the round holes....
What do you fill your mind with? What thoughts primarily occupy your space? What is constantly in your head? Now ask yourself, What goals do you have in life that aren't being accomplished and why? Is it because your primary focus is on things you have no control over? We may be worrying about the state of the economy or the end of time or what our mate is or isn't doing. But do we have any control over those things? Absolutely not. Yet they get the majority of our attention. I work daily to control my mind and my thoughts. I'm not always successful but I strive to have a clear mind. I am diligent in allowing certain thoughts to be a part of my day and others I rebuke! I want to live a happy life. I want to be peaceful. If my mind is cluttered with junk I won't have the energy to be happy or peaceful. I will constantly be in a state of panic and not peace. Clear your mind through prayer, meditation and affirmations.
~be at peace.

It is a well researched fact that infants need loving touches to thrive and grow. Infants who do not receive loving touches sometimes develop failure to thrive syndrom where they don't grow as well as infants who are massaged and caressed. "Humans need to touch and be touched, just like we need food and water." As we grow older that need to be touched doesn't go away; it's as necessary for our own growth. We need to extend loving touches to our family,friends and loved ones and we need to receive them as well. A warm hug can be the difference in someone's day. A touch on the hand to your mate or a kiss hello or good bye conveys connection. A foot rub or massage after a long day is bliss! In our busy lives we at times lose our need to touch and be touched or we just forget. We develop failure to thrive in our relationships. But it's the simplest gift you can give to someone and can get in return. "Touching is an act of love, a way of communicating without words." Your spirit will be lifted; your energy renewed and your outlook on the day a lot brighter with one touch.

This is a great article on the human need for touch
"What is morality?"

"Judgment to distinguish right and wrong, vision to see the truth, courage to act upon it, dedication to that which is good, integrity to stand by the good at any price."

~p. 168, Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Our mates are a reflection of us. We would like to believe that they only reflect our lovely qualities like determination, passion, compassion, patience and diligence. There are times we may not want to admit that in the reflection there are less attractive qualities that are being mirrored right back. We may see our selfishness, desperation, fear, unhappiness, dissatisfaction and all the other qualities that we try to hide. But when we see them appear in our partners instead of questioning what's going on with them ask what's going on with yourself. Have you been irritable or scared; are you selfish in ways you don't want to admit. Do you lie when it's convenient for you but dislike when your mate does? The thing is, when we look into a mirror it shows us EVERYTHING including all of our flaws and imperfections. We may try to suck in those extra 10 pounds to pretend they're not there but the mirror shows what we may not want to see. What makes the mirror so beautiful is that it allows us to see what needs fixing and do the work necessary to improve our reflection. It's the same in a relationship. Work on you and what you need to do to become the most phenomenal woman and what you see in your mate will either start to change or allow room for your improved reflection.
" When we change the way we look at things. The things we look at change."

Look at something that has been on your mind from a different angle today. Take a good hard look at it and examine how you have been studying it. Now look at it with different eyes, in a different light, from a different point of view. Does it still look the same? Does it still hold the same intensity?

Change your perspective...
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This was shared with me and worth passing on.....

Be in Joy now and everything will change
In the moment that I discovered The Secret I realized that I had been living my entire life backwards. If things were good in my life, I was happy. If things were difficult in my life and everything was going wrong, I was stressed and miserable. In my ignorance, I had been misusing the law of attraction all of my life. But all of that changed when I had the knowledge of The Secret.
To live in accordance with The Secret and the most powerful law in the Universe, we must be in Joy first - and then everything will change. To live our lives by emotionally reacting to what is happening outside of us is misusing the law! As we react with negative emotion to any difficulties, we attract more negativity into our lives. We cannot defy the law of attraction, which operates on the most microscopic levels of vibration, and with absolute exactitude.
You must be in Joy first. And then your life will change into Joy.
Difficult times are the greatest opportunities in disguise. When we face difficult times we have to put in determined work to get ourselves into Joy. But let me tell you, when you can get yourself into Joy despite what is happening around you, your life must change - it's the law!
In addition, as you become Joy in difficult times you are becoming the master of your emotions, the master of your life, and the master of the law of attraction. Difficult times are your greatest opportunity to practice yourself into Joy.
Of course if your life is going along swimmingly then it is very easy to be in Joy. During those times your Joy is most likely a reaction to the good times. But the magnificence and the power that you really have within you will be seen when you can be in Joy during difficult times. It is then that you will see the true power that you have within you, because as you hold to Joy, you will shift all the energies of the Universe, and your life and your world will change.
The cause of everything is within you, and the effect is what you experience in your life. You have the power within you to change everything by putting yourself in Joy. You can change everything so easily by becoming Joy first! And nothing can change until you get yourself in Joy, because that is the law of attraction. Like attracts like! The energy of Joy attracts energy of Joy!
Do whatever it takes to find your Joy, and then keep yourself in it no matter what. Keep ramping up your level of Joy every day. There is no limit to the levels of Joy you can reach. You will see change to the degree of Joy that you can attain and maintain. The higher the Joy you can create within you, the more spectacular the change, and the higher the Joy, the faster the change. Once you get yourself in Joy it is easy to maintain it, because your emanation of Joy attracts more Joy. The law of attraction will continually send you more feelings of Joy.
You cannot criticize or blame or complain when you are in Joy. You cannot be afraid when you are in Joy. You cannot speak negatively when you are in Joy. You cannot harm another when you are in Joy. Negativity cannot reach you when you are in Joy.
When you are in Joy you are compassionate. When you are in Joy you are considerate and caring. When you are in Joy you love others. When you are in Joy you appreciate everything. When you are in Joy you are in love with the world, and the Universe is in love with you.
Be in Joy. Seek it with all of your heart, and you will find it.
May the Joy be with you,
Rhonda Byrne
My almost 3 year old niece, Noni, is a hypochondriac. Everything hurts all the time. Recently she's been telling us her leg hurts and when we ask her to show us where she points at an old scar from a bruise she got months ago. But it still hurts. Aren't we like that as women? We have our old scars that we keep talking about and showing all who will listen just how much we hurt. Our old scars are usually from relationships and our wounds are bitterness, anger, distrust and fear. We may have received these "scars" years ago but they never heal because we don't want them to. They have the capacity to heal, just as our skin does after a bruise, but like Noni, we want to talk about how much it hurts. Starting today, allow your scars to heal. Let the memory of how much you were done wrong fade and allow the lesson learned to be alive. Stop talking about those old scars and start affirming new experiences. In life we will constantly develop bumps and bruises both emotionally and physically. The beauty is that both will heal with time and our effort.
Change in life is mandatory and like air it's necessary for us to breathe. Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson, M.D. ( is a great little book which gives powerful insight on change.

Life is no straight and easy corridor along
which we travel free and unhampered,
but a maze of passages,
through which we must seek our way,
lost and confused, now and again
checked in a blind alley.

But always, if we have faith,
a door will open for us,
not perhaps one that we ourselves
would ever have thought of,
but one that will ultimately
prove good for us.
~A.J. Cronin
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I have been blessed my entire life to have amazing girlfriends. I've never had that rocky road relationships with women either. They've been steady and whether we didn't speak for one month or one year when we picked up it was like old times and as sweet as honey. So I want to give a shout out to these beautiful women and I'm gonna name names. If I've left anyone off the list please forgive me. I love you ladies!
Sometimes to maintain emotional peace we need to do the opposite of what we are feeling in the moment. In the moment we may feel the need TO KNOW when in fact we don't. We need to be still and allow situations to unfold naturally. By acting in the moment we feel as though we have some measure of control over a situation or person. That's an illusion. The only control we have is over ourselves. Ask yourself, "what am I feeling at this moment and by acting on this feeling what do I hope to happen? " Stop for a moment and imagine what it is that you want to feel or to happen. And then imagine that feeling. If you want to feel good....feel it. Instead of acting on an impulse that is external; focus on your internal stimuli. Focus on changing how you feel. That is what you have control over. Do the opposite of what impulsively you feel the need to do and create the environment that you desire instead.

~have a blissful day~

I keep a little bottle of bubble-blowing potion and a bubble wand on my desk. And when the day gets too heavy and I'm feeling overwhelmed, I may actually blow a few. Blowing the perfect bubble requires bringing your attention to your breath and placing it in the space of the present moment. Kind of like bubble meditation. Being fully present automatically lifts your spirits. Clears your mind of distractions. Brings clarity. Even some joy, if you're open to it.

Excerpt from the May 2009 "O" - The Oprah Magazine. p. 224.
My son is blessed to have two mommy's. I am the one that carried him and cares for him on a daily basis. Ivy is the one that plays with him and spoils him. I am the one that gained an extra 10 pounds and pushed him out after hours of labor. Ivy is the one that sings songs with him and plays games until they are both exhausted. I am the one that gets him ready for school in the morning, checks homework in the afternoon and gives him bed time kisses. Ivy is the one that still pulls him close to her heart and checks every cough, sniffle or bruise he may get. I call him Yums. She calls him teddy bear. She is a gorgeous woman and I am the lucky one to have another woman love him as much as I do. Society calls her his step mother. To me, she is his mother.

Family traditions, beliefs and values shape us as children. As adults we are expected to follow these same beliefs even if they differ from our own individually. Parents teach children their interpretation of right and wrong. This can be based on the Bible, Quran or some other religious belief. Children grow up into adults who develop their own set of beliefs and ways of viewing the world. Sometimes it doesn't match up to what they were taught and there is a distinct disconnect. The parents may see this as an affront to their parenting skills. How in the world could this child that I molded become someone so different. In reality, our core (as developed by the beliefs instilled as children) never dies. The external is what looks different. The character is still there but maybe the religious ideation is different or the sexual orientation. It's important to live your life freely and break free from "who your family wants you to be" and be "who you really are." Life is lived much fuller and sweeter if you do.

The concept of win win situations is not new but it is a tried and true way of viewing life. I CANNOT lose is an empowering way to live your life. So many times we look at things/situations/people that we desperately want and we imagine that if we had the objects of our desires we would be whole and life would be perfect. On the other hand, if we didn't have them life would be bleak and dark and not worth living. That is no way to embrace the life we were given. When we know we cannot lose everything takes on a different texture. If you don't get that job or mate or house that you believe was meant just for you don't fret, the job/mate or home that you will get will be beyond your expectations. You will never lose in life. Situations and experiences come our way to prepare us for things even grander. Whatever you encounter today, look at it for what it is...a win regardless of the outcome.
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Annette Marie Walwyn is beautiful to me. I look at her reading Bible stories to the grandkids and I am just in awe of how she makes the stories come alive. I listen to her asking her "sweetheart" if he's hungry and watch her patiently prepare a plate of food and bring it to him lovingly. I glance at her as she stares at her children who now have children of their own and smile as she remembers their own "firsts", accomplishments and tears. I don't think I have ever once heard her raise her voice in anger. I find her amazingly beautiful and I so want to be just like her. A lady. Patient. Caring. Kind. Loving. Thoughtful. Virtuous. Inviting. Embracing. Confident. She's my mother. A woman who looks like me who I find beautiful.

~sugar is all and hook,line and sinker are published books by annette marie walwyn.
"happiness was the greatest agent of purification...."

p.37 from Atlas Shruggd by Ayn Rand.
As women we sometimes suffer from bouts of anxiety. It may be due to hormonal shifts, unresolved issues or major work or life events. Anxiety can at times feel crippling but it's important to remember that it's not! Breathe in peace and breathe out the source of your tension...

3 Ways to Reduce Anxiety
Reviewed By: Steven A. King, M.D.
Everyone has felt it at one time or another: You get nervous before a speech or a big test, and your palms begin to sweat. Or, perhaps you just feel a general unease about your health, finances or family life.
A sense of uneasiness about the future is generally known as anxiety. These feelings affect both the body and the mind. When you become anxious, your body releases a hormone called adrenaline. It is nature's way of warning you that danger (both real and imagined) is imminent.
As anxiety increases, you may experience symptoms such as a pounding heart, quickened breathing and perspiration. The more you worry about something, the stronger these symptoms are likely to become.
Many people experience mild to moderate episodes of anxiety. For some, such nervousness may interfere with their ability to enjoy life fully. However, there are steps you can take to reduce or even eliminate your anxious feelings.
Three-Step Solution
There are many ways to reduce anxiety. Three of the most effective are:
Set aside a time to worry. Do you find yourself fretting about things periodically throughout the day? If so, you are probably living with a constant and unhealthy low-level hum of anxiety.To fix this problem, set aside a period of each day where you do nothing but worry. Think about the issues you face and potential solutions for up to 30 minutes. After the time has expired, make a vow not to think about your problem again until your anxiety time the following day.
Confront subjects that have triggered past bouts of anxiety. Your anxiety level is particularly likely to spike prior to situations that have provoked angst in the past. If you broke out in a cold sweat and stuttered during your last PowerPoint presentation, odds are good that the butterflies will awaken in your stomach shortly before the next go-round.Prior to an anxiety-provoking event, try to visualize yourself in the situation. If this makes you feel anxious, try a relaxation technique to see if this calms your feelings. Later, when the real-life situation makes you nervous, try these techniques again and see if they have a calming effect.Also, prepare yourself as much as possible prior to the event. You are much less likely to feel anxious if you are confident and in control of your situation. For example, someone who studies diligently before a test is much less likely to experience exam-related anxiety than a peer who tries to cram in all preparation the night before the test.
Take care of your body and mind. One of the best ways to prevent anxiety is to take care of yourself. Numerous studies show that physically fit, well-rested and contented people are less likely to be vulnerable to bouts of anxiety.For example, people who maintain close relationships have a network of support that makes them less vulnerable to anxiety. Taking the time to enjoy life and to engage in hobbies you enjoy helps reduce levels of both stress and anxiety.Relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, can also help. In this exercise, you lie down on a flat surface. Place one hand on your stomach above the navel, and the other hand on your chest. Breathe in slowly until the stomach rises a bit and hold your breath for a second. Then, exhale slowly.Muscle relaxation, in which you tense and relax your muscles one by one, is also used by some to reduce anxiety. Some people benefit from yoga or meditation.Studies show that regular exercise is one of the best ways to ward off anxiety and to build a stronger sense of well-being. It's also important to avoid overindulging in unhealthy foods, and to avoid abuse of alcohol, drugs (both legal and illegal) and stimulants such as caffeine.Finally, be sure to get plenty of rest. A full night's sleep relaxes both body and mind and makes you less susceptible to anxious thoughts.
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After almost 36 years in my body I have finally accepted my girly girlness. I love it actually. I love butterflies, pink, eyelet dresses and lace lingerie. I will cry at anyone's wedding. I will cry right before my period, during my period and any of the 28 days days in between. I adore picnics any time of the year and anywhere imaginable. I crave bubble baths. I love almost any type of flower with a preference for sunflowers, orchids, tulips, cala lillies and gerber daisies. I love anything romantic including candlelit dinners, breakfast in bed, balloons, cards for no reason, love notes ("i like you, do you like me, check yes, no or maybe"). I love foot rubs and being told I'm pretty. I love being a girly girl. And for the longest time I thought that made me weaker somehow in comparison to what I perceived as "strong women." I know now that not inspite of but because I am a girly girl I am strong.

Spring break with the kids.....yums and my bf's two...we call them the Sky team. Children make life fun. Despite the attitudes, the "how comes" and "where are we going" we had a dynamic day! Children help you remember that life is fun; life is innocent; we can still play at the park, eat icecream and do nothing but think of things to do next. And having children that aren't yours biologically helps one to remember to be sensitive and compassionate. Being with them helps me to remember that as much as I wonder if they will love me automatically, they wonder the same thing. Does "she" like me? Does "she like me just cause of my dad?" I realized today that I do like them. I do love them and I am grateful for them all.
It is not enough just to visualize a goal for a few minutes, and then let doubts and disbelief fill your mind for the rest of the day.
It is not enough just to visualize a few times, and then wait for miracles to happen.
You need to have a strong desire and motivation, and the commitment to do whatever is necessary to achieve your goal.
You need persistence, concentration, the ability to visualize, and at least some degree of self-discipline.
You need to learn to recognize opportunity when it appears, and to be willing and ready to take and use this opportunity.
You need to be willing to act and take the required steps whenever needed, and not just wait for your desires to materialize from thin air or suddenly drop on you from the sky.
In order to take full advantage of the law of attraction you need to know certain rules and follow them. It is true, some people achieve great success, without knowing much or anything about it, but they intuitively use it correctly.
The law of attraction is not a method for getting rich quickly, without doing anything. It requires mental work, focus and visualization, and also the willingness to follow the mental work with any required actions on the physical plane.
This law can manifest your desires in many ways, sometimes obviously and directly, and sometimes in an indirect way, through various steps. Sometimes you might attain your goal in a sudden or miraculous way, and at other times slowly or indirectly, one thing leading to another. People might help you, a new job might come along, an idea might pop up in your mind, or you your intuition might tell you to follow a certain course of action. These are just a few of the many ways, through which this law can help you manifest your desires.

excerpt from

I found these wonderful quotes about marriage on

I didn't marry you because you were perfect. I didn't even marry you because I loved you. I married you because you gave me a promise. That promise made up for your faults.And the promise I gave you made up for mine. Two imperfectpeople got married and it was the promise that made the marriage.And when our children were growing up, it wasn't a house thatprotected them; and it wasn't our love that protected them - it was thatpromise.

They say it takes a village to raise a child. That may be the case,but the truth is that it takes a lot of solid, stable marriages to create a village.Diane Sollee,

What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much howcompatible you are, but how you deal with incompatibility.Leo Tolstoy

The most important marriage skill is listening to your partner in a way thatthey can't possibly doubt that you love them.Diane Sollee,

One advantage of marriage, it seems to me, is that when you fallout of love with each other, it keeps you together until maybeyou fall in love again.Judith Viorst

Or, put another way, and 'borrowed' from Pittman:Why is it that people get married?Because we need a witness to our lives.There’s a billion people on the planet.What does any one life really mean?But in a marriage, you’re promising to care about everything…The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things,All of it… all the time, every day.You’re saying “Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it.Your life will not go unwitnessed - because I will be your witness.”Wife in the movie, "Shall We Dance?" 2004

Commitment has kind eyes. He wears sturdy shoes.Everything is vivid when he is around. It is wonderful to sitand have lunch in his gardens around harvest time. Youcan taste in the vegetables that the soil has been cared for.J. Ruth Gendler

Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship,is conversation.Oscar Wilde

When there is love in a marriage, there is harmony in the home; when there is harmony in the home, there is contentment in the community; when there is contentment in the community, there is propsertiy in the nation; when there is prosperity in the nation, there is peace in the world.Chinese proverb frequently quoted by David and Vera Mace
~ believe and speak your desires into existence....

I picked up a copy of this book, 101 Things to do Before You Die, by Richard Horne about 2 years ago. I thought it was neat to have some tangible things to shoot for in this lifetime. I haven't even accomplished 10% of the suggestions (join the mile high club! :-)) but here are a few I'm working on and some I've added on my no particular order here are some on my to do list..swim with dolphins, go up in a hot air balloon, sky dive!, stay in the best suite of a 5 star hotel, show my love for the creator through my actions EVERY DAY, run a marathon, spend christmas on the beach, see a space shuttle launch, see butterflies in costa rica, make a committment to mentor, drive cross country, go skinny dipping in puerto rico, get married at sunset on the beach, go horseback riding, karoeke, publish some of my writing, find happiness everywhere, believe i am the most beautiful girl in the world, learn a foreign language, become an interior designer, visit Europe, resolve issues with loved ones....just to name a few :-)

Take care of yourself. Understand your body and how it relates to your mood swings and changes in behavior. Something as small as bcomplex and b6 vitamins can drastically change a down in the dumps mood to more of a spring in your step. Dong quai and evening primose rose oil are also great gifts from God to help with balancing your hormones and in turn your outlook on life. A great site to manage your PMS and cycle is It's a site that allows you to chart your periods, when you are ovulating and such. You can make notes on how you felt on certain days of your cycle and over time you can chart what days you are more likely to feel blue or cranky or have irrational fears. I've also found that eliminating certain foods from your diet during those days before your cycle will help keep you balanced. Instead of coffee, go for tea. Trade that declicious long island iced tea for.....iced herbal tea! Eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies, drink water, spray lavender essential oil around your home and even some on your temple. If you're aware of your body it will help you understand what's going on with you and create a more peaceful environment for all.......
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This is ME! A caterpillar emerging into a stunning butterfly!
In a world that values who you are by what you look like, it's important to have confidence in yourself. For example, many times we see other women and imagine that there life must be so perfect because of how they look and we become intimidated by what we see. There are even times that we see someone that we just know our mates would go crazy over because of their appearance and then that red eyed demon of insecurity begins to take hold. The antidote to those feelings are confidence. Confidence, like happiness, has to be worked on daily. Just like you have to make a decision to be happy and then put in the work required to FEEL happy; it's the same with confidence. The comedian, Monique, says that as a child she was told daily that she was pretty. So although the world would look at her plus sized figure and say...hmmm...she has the confidence to 200 lbs or 120 lbs I'm a beautiful woman. And she exudes confidence; it's apparent in the way she carries herself. Not just what she says but the non verbal statments she makes. Make it a daily practice to practice confidence. Tell yourself that you are worthy. Those old battle scars from childhood or from whenever that you still're too fat, too ugly, too skinny, too dumb, not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart on them each and every day. To each negative remark, counter it with a positive affirmation...I am good enough. I am pretty. I am smart. You will start to wear your confidence like a piece of beautiful clothing and everyone who encounters you will be able to see and feel it. In this world, no matter who you are, confidence is everything!
Greetings all! Please take the opportunity to vote for my girl at this opportunity to win a wedding in the Bahamas. Hit the link below and vote for Bruce and Martina!

Long Distance Goes the Distance Bahamas Bridal Bailout

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There's an amazing rush that happens when I give. It can be my time, my money, a card, a gift or a service that I give. But when I do so I feel joyful. It lights me up because I'm not self absorbed in my life and I'm focusing on bringing pleasure to someone else. Sometimes we tend to think we have nothing to give because our "money may be funny" or we may be tired or the list of excuses that come with participating in life. The thing is to find something/any little thing that lets someone you love or even a stranger know that they are important. Give your time by listening to that same story that you've heard 100 times over; send a $5 gift card to a friend who you know just loves coffee or a particular fast food. Tell someone unexpectedly that you love them. Give from your soul and from your heart. Give without thinking about it. Give generously. The joy you will feel is indescribable....

"Gratitude is a two-fold love - love coming to visit us and love running out to greet a welcome guest. " - henry vandyke

I love my boyfriend and in essence that means I ought to naturally love his children..right? So I thought. After all, as beautiful and wonderful as he is, how could his offspring not be just the same. And as a mother already wouldn't I organically cleave to the little one's he made? Well, I didn't produce them from my body so the instantaneous oxyctocin that was released when I gave birth to my son isn't there. I have to produce it manually. His kids are coming for spring break and I have to admit it's intimitadating and overwhelming all at the same time. I've been around them enough to have a relationship but since I don't see them often I tend to at times feel like that "wicked stepmother." Beautiful children they are..full of life and mischief and all the things that make! But at times I wonder, will I fall in love with them naturally as we progress in our relationship? Will my heart be as full and hold them the way it holds Yums? Will they ever look at me as a friend and confidant and another adult who loves them? Or will they glare at me scorningly since I'm not their mother? *sigh* I prepare for their arrival, get fun activities in place and hope for a special spring break.
"Happiness is a spiritual path. The more you learn about true happiness, the more you discover the truth of who you are, what is sacred, and what your life is really for. By walking back to happiness—the happiness that exists within you right now—you reaquaint yourself with your true identity, with your true values, and with your true purpose. This inherent happiness holds the key to enlightenment and greater understanding of who you are. In other words, true happiness is Self-realization."

I read this excerpt this morning from Be Happy, release the power of happiness in You by Robert Holden.
Most of my fondest memories involve me dancing in some form or fashion. Kindergarten gave me my first taste of this delightful drug. We had a school program and it involved my class performing to some island music. I don't remember anything but moving my little hips and feeling on top of the world! I had the chance to visit Egypt about 15 years ago with my father and younger sister. We were in the market one day and there was this intoxicating music being played throughout the air. I couldn't help it; again I found myself moving my little hips and laughing and again feeling on top of the world! Dancing brings me joy. From holding Yums (my son) when he was infant close to my heart and lulling him to sleep while moving to Coltrane; to holding someone close while in my pj's and socks rocking in tune to Anita Baker. I don't care what the music is...gospel, jazz, reggae, rock, alternative, neo soul, rap, dirty south...I am moved to move my little hips and take it all in. Dance. When noone is looking and everyone is looking....
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