Take care of yourself. Understand your body and how it relates to your mood swings and changes in behavior. Something as small as bcomplex and b6 vitamins can drastically change a down in the dumps mood to more of a spring in your step. Dong quai and evening primose rose oil are also great gifts from God to help with balancing your hormones and in turn your outlook on life. A great site to manage your PMS and cycle is http://www.mycycle.com/. It's a site that allows you to chart your periods, when you are ovulating and such. You can make notes on how you felt on certain days of your cycle and over time you can chart what days you are more likely to feel blue or cranky or have irrational fears. I've also found that eliminating certain foods from your diet during those days before your cycle will help keep you balanced. Instead of coffee, go for tea. Trade that declicious long island iced tea for.....iced herbal tea! Eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies, drink water, spray lavender essential oil around your home and even some on your temple. If you're aware of your body it will help you understand what's going on with you and create a more peaceful environment for all.......