Sometimes to maintain emotional peace we need to do the opposite of what we are feeling in the moment. In the moment we may feel the need TO KNOW when in fact we don't. We need to be still and allow situations to unfold naturally. By acting in the moment we feel as though we have some measure of control over a situation or person. That's an illusion. The only control we have is over ourselves. Ask yourself, "what am I feeling at this moment and by acting on this feeling what do I hope to happen? " Stop for a moment and imagine what it is that you want to feel or to happen. And then imagine that feeling. If you want to feel good....feel it. Instead of acting on an impulse that is external; focus on your internal stimuli. Focus on changing how you feel. That is what you have control over. Do the opposite of what impulsively you feel the need to do and create the environment that you desire instead.

~have a blissful day~
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