Family traditions, beliefs and values shape us as children. As adults we are expected to follow these same beliefs even if they differ from our own individually. Parents teach children their interpretation of right and wrong. This can be based on the Bible, Quran or some other religious belief. Children grow up into adults who develop their own set of beliefs and ways of viewing the world. Sometimes it doesn't match up to what they were taught and there is a distinct disconnect. The parents may see this as an affront to their parenting skills. How in the world could this child that I molded become someone so different. In reality, our core (as developed by the beliefs instilled as children) never dies. The external is what looks different. The character is still there but maybe the religious ideation is different or the sexual orientation. It's important to live your life freely and break free from "who your family wants you to be" and be "who you really are." Life is lived much fuller and sweeter if you do.