My almost 3 year old niece, Noni, is a hypochondriac. Everything hurts all the time. Recently she's been telling us her leg hurts and when we ask her to show us where she points at an old scar from a bruise she got months ago. But it still hurts. Aren't we like that as women? We have our old scars that we keep talking about and showing all who will listen just how much we hurt. Our old scars are usually from relationships and our wounds are bitterness, anger, distrust and fear. We may have received these "scars" years ago but they never heal because we don't want them to. They have the capacity to heal, just as our skin does after a bruise, but like Noni, we want to talk about how much it hurts. Starting today, allow your scars to heal. Let the memory of how much you were done wrong fade and allow the lesson learned to be alive. Stop talking about those old scars and start affirming new experiences. In life we will constantly develop bumps and bruises both emotionally and physically. The beauty is that both will heal with time and our effort.
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