After almost 36 years in my body I have finally accepted my girly girlness. I love it actually. I love butterflies, pink, eyelet dresses and lace lingerie. I will cry at anyone's wedding. I will cry right before my period, during my period and any of the 28 days days in between. I adore picnics any time of the year and anywhere imaginable. I crave bubble baths. I love almost any type of flower with a preference for sunflowers, orchids, tulips, cala lillies and gerber daisies. I love anything romantic including candlelit dinners, breakfast in bed, balloons, cards for no reason, love notes ("i like you, do you like me, check yes, no or maybe"). I love foot rubs and being told I'm pretty. I love being a girly girl. And for the longest time I thought that made me weaker somehow in comparison to what I perceived as "strong women." I know now that not inspite of but because I am a girly girl I am strong.