The concept of win win situations is not new but it is a tried and true way of viewing life. I CANNOT lose is an empowering way to live your life. So many times we look at things/situations/people that we desperately want and we imagine that if we had the objects of our desires we would be whole and life would be perfect. On the other hand, if we didn't have them life would be bleak and dark and not worth living. That is no way to embrace the life we were given. When we know we cannot lose everything takes on a different texture. If you don't get that job or mate or house that you believe was meant just for you don't fret, the job/mate or home that you will get will be beyond your expectations. You will never lose in life. Situations and experiences come our way to prepare us for things even grander. Whatever you encounter today, look at it for what it is...a win regardless of the outcome.