We need fresh air, water and sunshine to breathe. We need fresh fruits and veggies to grow and we need love to survive. We cannot live without these things. We will wither and die, literally. We want bigger homes, fancier cars and brand name clothing to show what we have. We want fast foods and alcohol to feel better. We can live without these things. They don't sustain our growth. The concept of needs versus wants is so simple yet we work so hard for our wants and take our needs for granted. And yet caring for our needs will keep us healthy. Green leafy vegetables can help to keep cancer and other illnesses away. Yet we long for greasy fries and milkshakes which will put unnecessary weight on us and contribute to sickness. We need to start the practice of paying attention to what our needs are and be diligent in having them met. We will grow wholistically in the process and create more balance in our lives.