What do you fill your mind with? What thoughts primarily occupy your space? What is constantly in your head? Now ask yourself, What goals do you have in life that aren't being accomplished and why? Is it because your primary focus is on things you have no control over? We may be worrying about the state of the economy or the end of time or what our mate is or isn't doing. But do we have any control over those things? Absolutely not. Yet they get the majority of our attention. I work daily to control my mind and my thoughts. I'm not always successful but I strive to have a clear mind. I am diligent in allowing certain thoughts to be a part of my day and others I rebuke! I want to live a happy life. I want to be peaceful. If my mind is cluttered with junk I won't have the energy to be happy or peaceful. I will constantly be in a state of panic and not peace. Clear your mind through prayer, meditation and affirmations.
~be at peace.
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