I picked up a copy of this book, 101 Things to do Before You Die, by Richard Horne about 2 years ago. I thought it was neat to have some tangible things to shoot for in this lifetime. I haven't even accomplished 10% of the suggestions (join the mile high club! :-)) but here are a few I'm working on and some I've added on my own....in no particular order here are some on my to do list..swim with dolphins, go up in a hot air balloon, sky dive!, stay in the best suite of a 5 star hotel, show my love for the creator through my actions EVERY DAY, run a marathon, spend christmas on the beach, see a space shuttle launch, see butterflies in costa rica, make a committment to mentor, drive cross country, go skinny dipping in puerto rico, get married at sunset on the beach, go horseback riding, karoeke, publish some of my writing, find happiness everywhere, believe i am the most beautiful girl in the world, learn a foreign language, become an interior designer, visit Europe, resolve issues with loved ones....just to name a few :-)