Our mates are a reflection of us. We would like to believe that they only reflect our lovely qualities like determination, passion, compassion, patience and diligence. There are times we may not want to admit that in the reflection there are less attractive qualities that are being mirrored right back. We may see our selfishness, desperation, fear, unhappiness, dissatisfaction and all the other qualities that we try to hide. But when we see them appear in our partners instead of questioning what's going on with them ask what's going on with yourself. Have you been irritable or scared; are you selfish in ways you don't want to admit. Do you lie when it's convenient for you but dislike when your mate does? The thing is, when we look into a mirror it shows us EVERYTHING including all of our flaws and imperfections. We may try to suck in those extra 10 pounds to pretend they're not there but the mirror shows what we may not want to see. What makes the mirror so beautiful is that it allows us to see what needs fixing and do the work necessary to improve our reflection. It's the same in a relationship. Work on you and what you need to do to become the most phenomenal woman and what you see in your mate will either start to change or allow room for your improved reflection.