It is a well researched fact that infants need loving touches to thrive and grow. Infants who do not receive loving touches sometimes develop failure to thrive syndrom where they don't grow as well as infants who are massaged and caressed. "Humans need to touch and be touched, just like we need food and water." As we grow older that need to be touched doesn't go away; it's as necessary for our own growth. We need to extend loving touches to our family,friends and loved ones and we need to receive them as well. A warm hug can be the difference in someone's day. A touch on the hand to your mate or a kiss hello or good bye conveys connection. A foot rub or massage after a long day is bliss! In our busy lives we at times lose our need to touch and be touched or we just forget. We develop failure to thrive in our relationships. But it's the simplest gift you can give to someone and can get in return. "Touching is an act of love, a way of communicating without words." Your spirit will be lifted; your energy renewed and your outlook on the day a lot brighter with one touch.
This is a great article on the human need for touch
This is a great article on the human need for touch